Wheat Bread
Most people have heard that wheat bread is better for you than white but not many people know the basis for that statement. I prefer wheat bread to white bread because that is what I am used to. I am still picky about it though and only like certain kinds. I knew that wheat bread had more fiber than white but I did not know how much healthier wheat bread is in general. What I learned from vegetariantimes.com was that wheat has three different parts to it all containing different nutrients and vitamins. Wheat bread is made with all three of the parts included, but white bread only has one of the parts. White bread is not as good for you as wheat bread. It i s important to get your vitamins and nutrients for many health reasons. Eating wheat bread helps lower the risk for diabetes, heart attacks, and various other problems. The most surprising fact I found from this article was that "[t]here's so little fiber left after processing that youd have to eat eight pieces of white bread to get the fiber in just one piece of whole wheat bread"(vegetariantimes.com). You can find the full article here if you'd like more information http://www.vegetariantimes.com/article/white-bread-vs-wheat-bread/. Even if you don't think you would like wheat bread or if you are a picky eater I am sure you could find a brand of wheat bread that you would like. As I mentioned above,I am a picky eater and only like certain types of wheat bread. I like the ones that do not have what I call "seeds" in them. I like the bread to be smooth and not have any hard bits in it. One of my favorite types is by Arnold. And even this
one brand makes multiple varieties of wheat bread so I'm sure that if you want to try switching from white bread to wheat bread you will come across a bread that you like.
Whole Grain Pasta
Another food that comes in white and wheat varieties is pasta, it also comes in many shapes but we don't need to concern ourselves with them right now although it is interesting how many forms it comes in. Wheat pasta is also called whole grain and like when it comes to bread, white is not as beneficial. Also as the case with bread, whole grain pasta has much more fiber and nutrients than white. Whole grain pasta helps with weight loss as well because it fills you up better than white and so you will probably end up eating less of it. And according to the five experts that were consulted in this article, http://time.com/3658167/should-i-eat-whole-wheat-pasta/ you should eat whole grain pasta.Tomatoes
of vitamins. They can help with digestion, heart health, and lowering cholesterol. Tomatoes are a good source of vitamin A which is important for vision. You can find more information about the benefits of tomatoes here
Mustard Not Mayonnaise
One very interesting thing I learned which researching for my blog was how much better mustard is for you than mayonnaise. I am glad that I already took mayonnaise off of the list of foods that I eat. I prefer mustard and don't knowingly eat mayonnaise because I do not like it. For 100 grams of mustard it is 66 calories and 100 grams of mayonnaise has 680 calories. Mustard also has lots of minerals and vitamins and can help to lower cholesterol.Olive Oil
it helps lower cholesterol and inflammation and it lowers blood pressure. Olive oil also helps with digestion and metabolism and has many vitamins and nutrients. More facts can be found here at
I hope this information helped you, I know it helped me and will allow me to continue trying to be healthier!
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